
Chana Ghashi with Kadgi- Ammale Saraswat Recipe

Chana Ghashi with Kadgi- Ammale Saraswat Recipe

The joy of eating Chanya ghashi with a dash of kadgi, and Narlel-tellache Phann at any of our Saraswat temple feasts is an experience a true “dorko” or an “Amchigelo” would speak volumes of. Shalini-maai has made life so easy for all of us by documenting the recipe. To add to our knowledge, our Nutrition and diet expert Diet expert Sanjana Nayak provides her analysis.

Ammale Saraswat Recipes – Val Val

Ammale Saraswat Recipes – Val Val

Vijay Mallya in his Kingfisher Airlines gourmet menu calls it vegetable stew. Travellers who have tasted it would find it closely resembling our very own Val-Val ( sans Ammale Preeti of course). Incidentally, Dr H Padmanabh Gadiyar, husband of Shalini-maai, our Saraswat Cuisine Expert, used to claim that this dish is French cuisine adapted by GSB’s as per local ingredients and taste. This dish stands out as without normal ‘Massolu’ which is mandatory in other dishes and cooked with Coconut Milk